Directional Drilling Survey for Mac OS X Lion

Please, see a more newly post: Directional Drilling Survey for Mac OS X 2.3.1


On the iTunes Mac App Store

The Directional Drilling Survey provides the control of the directional drilling of oil wells with calculations and plotting of well planning and survey data to help technicians, drillers, toolpushers and engineers of petroleum industry.

1. Well Planning Definitions: Slant, “S” or Horizontal Well types;
2. Ability to work with multiple data files;
3. Directional Survey: Edit, Add, Insert and Remove Survey Data;
4. Calculations Methods:
– Tangential
– Balanced Tangential
– Minimum Curvature
– Radius of Curvature
– Angle Averaging
5. Projections in vertical view and plan view;
6. Survey Data Calculations in all methods simultaneously;
7. Formulas of Methods;
8. Ability to work with length units: foot and meter;
9. Vertical Section View, Plan View and X-Y-Z plotting.
10. Ability to Multilateral wells survey limited to 6 wells.
11. Ability to use Initial Vertical Section and Initial Azimuth to move the KOP to initial horizontal departure.
12. Ability to X-Y-Z Plotting of a single well or multi wells (limited to 6 wells).

New in the version 1.1:

1. Header and Notes to reports; 
2. Print reports; 
3. Import from / Export to CSV Files. 
4. Fix bug to edit tie-in. 




  1. Olá.

    Neste aplicativo, é possível escolher as unidades? Olhei os screenshots e pelo que vi, neles os comprimentos estão todos em ‘ft’. Tem como selecionar ‘m’ nos reports? Se não, isto será implementado nas versões futuras?


      1. Obrigado.

        Resolvi perguntar antes de comprá-lo, pois nos screenshots eu não tinha visto esta possibilidade.

        Acabei de comprar na App Store. Parabéns pela iniciativa, vou testar o programa agora!

  2. Boa noite, Hermelindo.

    Você tem razão, os screenshots estão com tamanhos reduzidos e não permitem ver esta opção.
    Já estou enviando até amanhã, a versão 1.2 com várias melhorias, inclusive com a melhoria dos cálculos quando i1=i2, dir1=dir2, pm1=pm2, cálculos de Horizontal Displacement (afastamento pelo survey) e vertical section (projeção do HD em relação ao azimute do projeto), etc.
    Conto com você para a melhoria deste aplicativo.


      1. Don’t get me wrong here Carlos,
        I think i would like to have a trial version of this software.
        I want to verify what it can do and its limitations before i can make a decision on purchase.
        I don’t think its a good idea that i should buy something first and then wait to find out latter if it fits my purpose.

      2. Apple does not allow trial versions, demo, etc.. Our apps are very technical (specific for Oil & Gas) and with very low cost. (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, 10 USD e Mac versions, 20.00 USD).

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